Aunt Moulder

Written and Illustrated by Corey McCarty

Old Aunt Moulder 
with a vulture on her shoulder
was always late for lunch.
And her vulture always ate
the croutons off your plate
while Aunt Moulder loudly munched.

She’d drink all the wine
while her vulture casually dined
on Uncle’s lobster bisque.
And Aunt Moulder didn’t care
if Ma got soup in her hair
when the vulture accidentally missed.

She always stayed too long
until all the family had gone
then gossiped about those who’d left.
And after the meal
the vulture would steal
the centerpiece for his nest.

But once a year we’d feast.
In lovely vulture-free peace
when we ate on Thanksgiving day.
‘Cause turkey vultures will  join you
unless turkey is on the menu
then they’d rather stay away.